Megan J. Parker - Artist Statement

Art is my life. 
I create words, visuals and stories behind everything I do. When I was in high school, I loved to sketch characters for stories I created in my writing. In my senior year of school, a brand new class opened up on the basics of new media design and it was there I found my love of design. It started simply as a means to help develop my character and world sketches but then it transcended into my own way of storytelling. From high school, I went on to pursue my New Media design degree and further my experience with all forms of design.

During my earlier college years, I was able to finally push myself into finishing my first novel and it was published in 2012. As I was introduced into the indie community through social media, I found myself being drawn into the literary world but my passion still fell upon design. In my findings, I was able to meld both my literary and artistic passions together. Since then, I was able to become an International Best Seller on Amazon and have won a few awards on book covers I have designed for authors all across the world. My clients range from all across the globe and the experiences I’ve had have been able to enrich my passion for design as well as writing.

Currently I am working on not only my career in literature along with my freelance design business and enjoy having the opportunity to create visuals for an otherwise graphics free art form.

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